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Residents Notice: Loop Line Upgrade Project May 2022

Works commencing on Loop Line Upgrade Project

Transport Heritage NSW, operators of the NSW Rail Museum at Thirlmere, are upgrading the Picton – Mittagong Loop Line.

The NSW Government funded project is due for completion by mid-2023. It includes restoration of roughly 18km of the line between Buxton and Colo Vale and heritage station precinct improvements. Once complete, the Loop Line will be used exclusively for heritage train experiences for visitors to the NSW Rail Museum at Thirlmere.

Rail upgrade works will take place between Buxton and Colo Vale, over the next six-seven months. You therefore may hear an increased level of activity in and around the rail corridor in your local area, including use of specialist machinery and equipment.

Across the next three months, works are taking place primarily inside the rail corridor and will involve:

  • Material deliveries, including steel sleepers and track ballast

  • Sleeper replacements

  • Drainage repairs

  • Preparation of lay down areas

  • Bridge repairs

  • Level crossing improvements

  • Light vegetation clearing.

Construction work will occur at intermittent times/days between the hours of 7.00am and 5.00pm, mostly between Monday and Friday. When required, project work may take place on Saturday between the hours of 7.00am and 5.00pm. We will update you around August to indicate what’s ahead for the works required across the remainder of the year.

Should you have any questions, feedback, or comments about these works, please contact the Transport Heritage NSW: or 1300 11 55 99.

You can learn more about the Loop Line Upgrade Project, including the rail line’s history at:

We thank you for your support and cooperation as we work to revitalise this important piece of rail heritage in the local area.

This notice is being distributed to resident letterboxes between Buxton and Colo Vale, NSW.


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