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Board Wrap Up: August 2021

The Board held its fourth meeting for 2021 on Tuesday 31 August.

What a difference from our previous meeting in May 2021, where we were discussing the return to a more normal program of events and activities.

The Board received an update from CEO, Andrew Moritz, on the current impacts of the extended COVID lockdown on THNSW’s activities and initiatives. All public-facing activities and regular volunteering remain suspended. We know the lockdown is stopping us from doing many of the things we enjoy and want to do, and this is taking a different toll on each of us. With R U OK day on Thursday 9 September, please take a moment to reach out to one of your colleagues or friends you may not have seen in a while and ask R U OK?

End of year results

We will have more to say in the THNSW Annual Report and at this year’s AGM, however the Board congratulates everyone on our end of year results to 30 June. We achieved record visitor and passenger numbers in the months of January, April and June, with over 15,000 passengers journeys with 3801.

This was achieved despite reduced capacity as a result of ongoing COVID measures.

Thank you to all volunteers and staff who made the best possible of what was a very challenging year.

Membership product changes and renewals

By now, those members who are due for renewal and have been members since prior to 2017 will have recently received their membership renewal notices.

This year’s renewal notices contain important information about the membership product changes recently adopted by the Board.

You can find out more about these changes, including a short video with Board Director and Life Member Dale Budd and THNSW Volunteer Company Secretary, Peter Watters, explaining the changes at our Membership Product Changes page.

Please take advantage of the special offer to renew your membership before the end of September to receive a four-month free extension to your membership.

If you have any difficulties renewing, please contact our customer service team on 1300 11 55 99 or via email

Save the date! THNSW AGM 2021

The Board had intended to hold this year’s AGM as a hybrid in person and online event, however with the ongoing COVID situation the Board has determined this year’s AGM will once again be held online only on Tuesday 30 November in the early evening.

Further details about how to register will be contained within the Notice of AGM to be provided closer to the time.

Nominations for elected board directors and life members

By now, members will have received the call for nominations for elected directors to the THNSW Board and for nominations for life membership.

The elected director position whose term ends at the upcoming AGM 2021 is currently held by David Ireland. Information about how to nominate to be elected to the Board, including the nomination form, can be found on our AGM 2021 page.

Life membership is the highest honour we can bestow on a living member in recognition of an individual’s outstanding contribution that is so special that they stand out far and beyond that of others.

I encourage everyone to think about nominating someone around you who you think is truly worthy of being considered for Life Membership. More information and the nomination form can be found at the AGM 2021 page.

Nominations for both elected directors and life members close 5:00pm on Wednesday 22 September 2021 and can only be submitted via email to

Appointed director panel

The appointed director position currently held by Deanna Varga also sees its term expire at this year’s AGM.

The Board determined to convene the appointment panel in accordance with the THNSW Constitution, comprising of myself as Chair, Elected Director Brett Fitzpatrick and a nominee from TfNSW, to begin the process for the appointment of an Appointed Director to be announced at the AGM.

Proposed constitutional changes

The Board will be recommending several straightforward amendments to the THNSW Constitution at the AGM 2021 in November.

These were briefly discussed by the Volunteer Company Secretary, Peter Watters, at the recent Members’ Information Forum. You can watch a recording of the Members’ Information Forum here.

Details of changes, including an explanation, a marked-up version and a clean version of the Constitution, will be included in the AGM materials on our AGM 2021 webpage when the Notice of AGM is issued to members.

This will be a special resolution that members will be asked to vote on and I am confident when you see what is proposed, you will agree they are both straight forward and sensible changes.

Loop Line upgrade project

The outcome of our application to the Building Better Regions Fund has not yet been announced.

Further discussions are occurring to secure the remaining funds required and the Board expects to be in a position to update members very soon on some exciting developments in this regard.

The Board will meet again at the end of September. In the meantime, stay COVID safe everyone!

Rob Mason



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