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2021 Transport Heritage Grants now OPEN!

Submissions for the 2021 Transport Heritage Grants Program are now OPEN!

The Transport Heritage Grants Program is run on an annual basis to support organisations in preserving, exploring and promoting the history of land-based heritage transport in NSW.

Projects in the following categories are eligible for funding:

Category 1: Restoration, reconstruction or preservation of a heritage transport item (available for eligible organisations only)

For projects which:

  • Directly involve the restoration and/or conservation of a Government or non-Government owned transport heritage asset (rail, tram or bus); AND

  • Are not eligible for other Government funding.

Category 2: Education, publication or interpretation of an event, item/s or person/s that will promote heritage transport (available for eligible organisations only)

For projects which involve educating the community about transport heritage or the operation of transport heritage passenger services. Example programs include:

  • Promoting the history or facilities of the group to local schools and/or community groups; OR

  • Designed for local schools which are developed in conjunction with educational staff, have the written support of local education authorities and contribute to the history curriculum delivered by the school.

Category 3: Study, consultation, report or review that will assist in managing a heritage transport place or item (available for eligible organisations and individuals)

Innovative digital research and print interpretation projects about the people, culture, skills and knowledge and/or events of NSW transport heritage or other applicable historical highlights of NSW transport history.

Applicants can apply for up to three grants in any year. While grants of up to $15,000 are generally available, one large grant may be awarded each year up to an amount of $50,000 should the Independent Funding and Advisory Panel believe there is a particularly meritorious application.

The closing date for the 2021 Transport Heritage Grants Program is 10 August 2021.

For more information, including guidelines and an application, visit the Royal Australian Historical Society website.

The Transport Heritage Grants Program is funded by the NSW Government and administered by the Royal Australian Historical Society with the support of Transport Heritage NSW.


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