The Board held its fifth meeting for 2021 on Tuesday 28 September.
The Board received an update from CEO, Andrew Moritz, on the current impacts of the extended COVID lockdown on THNSW’s activities and initiatives. With the easing of restrictions approaching, the Board reviewed the plans to progressively reopen our museums and restart our heritage train operations on both the loop line and main line.
The Board has determined we must take our time and keep the safety of our people and our customers at the front of everything we do as we reopen to the public and returning to activities.
For those members who are also volunteers, you will have already received a separate email from the CEO advising of the arrangements being put in place to reopen and what that means for you. General volunteering will not commence immediately, volunteering will return progressively, and you must be rostered to attend.
Loop Line funding
The Board is delighted with the recent NSW Government announcement of $9.1M in additional funding to undertake the Loop Line upgrade project. The project is now fully funded and can proceed. We particularly acknowledge and thank Member for Wollondilly, Nathaniel Smith MP for his advocacy and support for this project.
Detailed planning for this large and complex project is now well progressed, and we look forward to sharing that with members and the community as soon as its available.
Meanwhile, work has commenced on re-railing the section between Couridjah and Buxton and this work should be completed by the time we recommence operations on the Loop Line.
To find out more visit Loop Line Upgrade Project.
Nominations for elected board directors
Two nominations have been received for the one position of elected director which becomes vacant at AGM 2021. This position is currently held by David Ireland who is not seeking re-election to the THNSW Board after nine years. The Board acknowledges the significant contribution David has made to THNSW over this time and will acknowledge and thank David for his contribution at the AGM.
The two candidates standing for election to the Board are Colin Pursehouse and Duncan MacAuslan. Candidate profiles and short videos are available at Annual General Meeting 2021.
Further details about this year’s AGM (to be held online on Tuesday 30 November 2021), including how to vote for a candidate, will be issued with the formal Notice of AGM by late October.
2020-21 Annual Report
The Board met with Auditor, Wayne Price, Castletons, to sign off on THNSW’s audited financial statements and reviewed a draft of the FY20-21 Annual Report. We had a significant number of achievements last financial year despite the ongoing COVID restrictions and our Annual Report celebrates some of those highlights as we made the best possible of what was a very challenging year.
Both will be published on the THNSW website as part of the AGM 2021 papers.
All AGM 2021 papers will be available from the THNSW website by late October 2021.
Membership renewals and youth membership
As previously announced, following feedback from members the Board approved the introduction of a youth membership category.
Thank you to more than 1,100 members who have now renewed. This represents over 80% of members due for renewal. Remember if you haven’t yet renewed you still can. Please follow the link in the email you received or simply call our customer service team on 1300 11 55 99.
5711 Tender Project
The Board considered a request by the project team for additional funding to complete this project and determined to apply to the Independent Funding & Advisory Panel (IFAP) for a variation. IFAP meets in October and we will be advised of the outcome in due course.
The Board will be holding one more meeting in November ahead of the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 30 November.
Until then stay COVID Safe.
Rob Mason