The Board held its second Board meeting for calendar year 2019 on Tuesday 26 March.
Highlights from this meeting were:
Board Directors – Nev Nichols tendered his resignation from the THNSW Board after more than four years of service to THNSW. The Board and I would like to thank Nev in particular for his leadership in establishing the Board Safety & Environment Committee (SEC) and bringing it to where it is today, and his unwavering dedication and commitment to always looking for what is best for our organisation as a whole at every turn. We wish Nev all the very best for the future.
The Board will now commence the process to appoint a new Non-Elected Appointed Director as per our Constitution and considering the skills mix already present at the Board.
New Strategic Plan 2019-24 – The Board approved the draft five-year THNSW Strategic Plan 2019-2024, which will soon be published on our THNSW website and open for our members, volunteers, staff, sector colleagues and other stakeholders to read and provide feedback on. This was followed by a very good discussion on our specific priorities and program of activities for the coming financial year – the first year under our new Strategic Plan.
Our next Members’ Information Forum (MIF) will be held in Sydney on Tuesday 30 April 2019 to give members the opportunity to hear more about the Strategic Plan and ask questions of the Board. More information on this will follow separately via eNews.
The Board noted the outcome of the NSW State Government election and the commitment to provide $5.5m in funding to upgrade the loop line, which was made during the election campaign. This is a welcome investment in the line and the Board will commence discussions with TfNSW and the Minister about this exciting project as soon as the new government is sworn in.
New Rail Operations Support Committee – The Board also determined to establish a new Board Rail Operations Support Committee, to be known as the ROSC, as per our Constitution. Its purpose is to advise the CEO and the Board and support the achievement of our goals and objectives for our heritage passenger rail operations aligned to our strategic plan, as well as help grow THNSW’s support to heritage rail operators in the sector in the rail operations space. This will include consideration of competencies and training of volunteers and staff. The ROSC will be chaired by Board Director, David Ireland, and its Terms of Reference will be published on our THNSW website soon.
Standing agenda items discussed by the Board included safety and environment; the locomotive 3801 project; other operational fleet matters; our financial performance; the approval of new THNSW Members; and our new major Heritage Hub (Chullora) project.
The Board and I look forward to seeing many of you at our next MIF in Sydney on Tuesday 30 April 2019.
Rob Mason Chair